Guitar Specialist - Guitar repair and restoration services - Articles



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Welcome to the latest addition to The Guitar Specialist Web Site.

Repair Articles

Here we will be posting a number of articles. Some are on how we do repairs and modifications. Some are just
items that we think would be of interest to guitarists - like factory tours, product reviews or stories about events.
Please realize that some of these articles contain descriptions of how we do things here at The Guitar Specialist.
If you are at all uncomfortable trying anything you read here on your own instrument, seek the advice of a 
professional luthier before you proceed. Feel free to email us if you have any questions.


There will be many more articles to come so check back often or sign up for our mailing list so you wont miss them

The Guitar Specialist Assumes No Responsibility for anyone doing damage to an instrument buy using these articles.
These articles are posted here for information purposes and are intended as a description of how we do things at
The Guitar Specialist.  They are not intended as a form of instruction or substitute for training in the field of 
guitar repair and restoration

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380 Adams Street
Bedford Hills, NY 10507

(914) 401-9052

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